Online Workshop


Task No Title Agenda


6.1 Impact for MSCA


1st Feb, 2024

How to approach Impact when writing your Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-Doctoral Fellowship application. Learnings from the Trinity Long Room Hub.


Pre-recorded video followed by an open Q&A



Commercializing your research


6th Feb, 2024

Advice and experiences of commercialization specialists and researchers and spin out teams in commercializing research” was held on the 6th of February, 2024. The training addressed: 


Spinning Out Your Research, Neil Gordon, Start Up Development Manager, TCD

Experiences in spin outs, Bruce Murphy, AMBER/TCD

Experiences in spin outs, Garrett O Donnell, AMBER/TCD

Experiences in spin outs, John Gleeson, RCSI

Innovation Management: Supports for researchers, Colin Keogh, Inlecom




1.1 Project Management Meeting


7th Feb,2024



A virtual project management meeting was held. The next commitments were discussed. 



Project Managemend

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