
We were at 48th FEBS Congress, 29 June- 3 July 2024- Italy, Milan

We presented the project results with an oral and a poster presentation in the FEBS Congress. The abstracts «Development of a bioinspired mat with chitosan functionality: engineered scaffold for tissue regeneration» and «Fabrication of electrospun biofiber for biomedical applications» were published in FEBS open-bio, volume 14....
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MSCA-DN Workshop & Project Management Meeting 

MSCA Doctoral Network project writing training was conducted by the AMBER Centre funding team in İstanbul, ITU Maçka Hotel, on the June 11th, 2024, as part of Tasks 4.4 and 6.1.  A project management meeting and a half-day discussion session on publications and new project ideas were also held....
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